How to Recycle

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Recycling is one of the easiest things you can do to make UI more sustainable.  Whether you are walking through various buildings, living in a residence hall, working in an office, or attending an event, recycling options are available everywhere, all of the time.  No matter where you are, follow these simple steps to ensure you are recycling properly.

Recycle Right

  1. Find out what you can recycle.

  2. Rinse or wipe off food residue and empty liquids from your recyclable items.

  3. Flatten all cardboard.

  4. Place your recyclables into the recycling bin nearest you.
Managing Waste in Your Residence Hall Recycling

Students are responsible for taking their waste to a designated dumpster outside.  Find the...

Find out what you can recycle.  Most recycling on campus is single-stream (aka mixed recycling), which means all recyclables can be mixed together...

Coralville Off-Campus Recycling

The City of Coralville provides recycling services for single family and duplex housing.  Learn more.

Recycle and/or Compost at Events! Step 1:

Determine if your event will generate waste.  If you expect to generate waste at your event,...

You can keep hard-to-recycle items out of the landfill by finding other reuse and recycling options.

University Property - UI Surplus resells...

The University of Iowa uses a standardized set of recycling bins for the collection of recyclable materials on campus.  It is important to keep...