College of Liberal Arts & Sciences
Feed Your Future-Career Opportunities Panel Discussion

"Feed Your Future—Career Opportunities" set for 3-4:40 p.m. April 17 at the Iowa City Public Library, will focus on food, career exploration and making connections. As part of Earth Month and the Food for Thought Symposium, this panel discussion will feature local businesses, activists, and non-profit organizations to sharing about the food and agricultural industry in Iowa.
Join us to hear from representatives from Food Corps, the Meskwakie Nation, Iowa Valley Resource Conservation & Development, New Pioneer Coop, Field to Family, North Liberty Food Pantry, and Local Burrito. Learn about different parts of the food system and take advantage of the great opportunity to ask questions about careers in farming, food supply-chains, community nutrition and outreach, and restaurant entrepreneurship. See the for a complete list of panelists.
Moderators will be Liz Christiansen, Director, Office of Sustainability, University of Iowa and Lynne Sebille-White, Director, Career Advancement, Pomerantz Center, University of Iowa.
The Food For Thought Symposium is presented Obermann Center for Advanced Studies, the University of Iowa Provost’s Office, the Office of Sustainability, and the College of Public Health’s Iowa Center for Agricultural Safety and Health to explore the meaning, impact, and influence of food in the world around us.