College of Liberal Arts & Sciences
Keep these tips in mind as you bike into winter

As Iowa enters the season of winter, temperatures begin to decline, bringing cold, wet, and icy mornings. As students and faculty ride into campus on their bikes, there are many new safety concerns to be aware of. Here are tips to ensure a safe ride back and forth to campus during those cold fall and winter months.
Knowing and utilizing the resources offered in Iowa City and at the UI is an easy way to ensure a safe ride. If this winter is anything like last year, we've got a lot of snowfall heading our way. Coming out of class to a bike covered in three inches of snow is not ideal, so utilize the sheltered bike parking found throughout campus, like the new one outside the Seamans Center so you don't spend 10 minutes clearing it off. Not only will this save you time, but it will also prevent the gears and brakes from being cemented under layers of frozen ice.
Throughout campus, the university offers bike repair stations which allow people to pump or change their tires and fix their brakes. The stations are equipped with a QR code which can be scanned to provide detailed instructions to guide you through a fix. While these repair stations can fix some problems, bike shops throughout Iowa City can offer more assistance, even offering weather checks in order to make sure your bike is ready to take on the cold.
If you want to avoid the expense of taking your bike into a shop, there are ways you can customize it on your own. In regards to tires, opt for a wide set and/or a set with studs which have the ability to grip ice and snow better. Although, having two sets of tires for your bike can be pricy, so you can avoid this by keeping your current tires in the best shape possible. Rinse them off or wipe them down after winter rides to prevent the buildup of salt and ice between the treads, which can cause you to lose traction on the streets. Experiment with air pressure in the tires during the fall to see what pressure give you the best traction. Make sure you don't put too little or too much air in the tires because you run the possibility of popping a flat. Avoid using products like WD-40 on your tires, but spray it on your bike chains, gears, and frame to keep the mechanics running smoothly.
Once your bike is equipped to handle the snow and cold weather, make sure you are too. Always wear a helmet. Even with all of the precautions listed here, there's always the possibility of falling while commuting to campus. The snow might soften a fall, ice can be hard and pointy. Add a face mask, hat, and protective eye wear under your helmet to provide more protection and warmth for the cold weather. Wear insulated gloves which allow your fingers to move easily while still providing warmth. With jackets, buy something you know will keep you warm while riding. Temperatures in Iowa can drop fast, so get a jacket which can withstand temperatures below 0 (this is often found in the description section of jackets online). Some prefer to wear less in preparation of heating up along the ride, but to be prepared, be safe, and layer up. You can take layers off, but you can't add them if you don't have them.
Winter riding can seem intimidating and scary but being precautious and ahead of the effects the environment has on you and your bike will lend you the tools to a safe commute. Safe riding!
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