Milster to Retire April 30

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April 23, 2015

Ferman Milster, Principal Engineer, Office of Sustainability, announced he will retire on Thursday, April 30, 2015, after 24 years of service to the University of Iowa and Facilities Management.

A reception will be held in his honor on April 30, 2-4 p.m. at the Office of Sustainability, 1680 University Capitol Centre (Old Capitol Mall, first floor).

Ferman joined the University of Iowa in 1991 as Manager, Power Plant and served in that capacity for 15 years.  He was instrumental in several significant energy reduction modifications and the development of the Biomass Fuel Project (oat hulls). As a result, the UI became recognized as an early leader in developing renewable fuels and received several awards, including two Governor’s Iowa Environmental Excellence Awards (2004) and APPA’s Effective & Innovative Practices Award (2005).

In 2006, Ferman was promoted to Associate Director, Utilities and Energy Management, and he transitioned from managing the power plant to utility system strategic planning and renewable energy development.

In 2011, Ferman joined the UI Office of Sustainability as the principal engineer in renewables where he developed and led the UI Biomass Partnership to help the campus achieve the 2020 Target of 40% renewable energy use. Ferman was instrumental in working with over twenty different public and private organizations and state agencies to help identify sources of renewable fuel for the University of Iowa.

From that effort, several key partnerships developed including a close working relationship with biomass researchers at Iowa State University. His concept of building renewable energy sources using the sustainability triple bottom line of “environment, economy, and equality” was gradually formed into a working model. Ferman investigated the use of perennial grasses, such as miscanthus x giganteus, and in 2013, the University of Iowa planted its first fuel crop in Muscatine County. A second plot was planted in 2014. Around 350 acres of miscanthus will be planted in 2015. Ferman also conducted inquiries into other potential fuels such as wood chips and industrial residuals. It is because of his groundbreaking work that a statewide conversation is now occurring regarding perennial fuel crops and federal agencies such as the Army Corps of Engineers and the Natural Resources Conservation Service (USDA) are seeking partnerships with the UI. In February, the Cedar Rapids Airport Commission announced a new partnership with the UI to grow miscanthus as a fuel crop and erosion control mechanism.

Before joining Facilities Management, Ferman served 20 years in the United States Navy. His service specialized in warships and nuclear submarine construction, maintenance and repairs. He received a Bachelor of Science degree in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Missouri in 1975 and did post-graduate work at US Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey where he received a Master of Science degree in Mechanical Engineering.

For inquiries about the Biomass Fuel Project, contact Ben Fish, assistant director, utility operations Utilities & Energy Management, (319) 384-0528,