College of Liberal Arts & Sciences
Power Down Over Break

Take Five Minutes to Power Down Over Winter Break
We all play a role in reducing energy waste and conserving resources on campus. Before you leave your work or living area for winter break, please take five minutes to complete five small actions to help reduce energy use.
1. Pull the plug on:
- Power strips
- TVs, microwaves, coffee makers
- Digital clocks, task lighting, desk lamps
- Other appliances
When appliances are plugged in, they still use energy even if they are off.
2. Turn off all lights and anything you can’t unplug
3. Close blinds to retain heat
4. Turn down the heat if there are individual controls available in your area
5. Turn off your computer, printer, or speakers, but check with your computer support staff first
Also, if you have maintenance problems with windows, extreme temperatures, etc., report them to the Work Control Center at 335-5071, or dial 159 internally for University Hospitals and Clinics.
Your efforts help support the University of Iowa’s Vision 2020 Sustainability Vision goal of goal consuming less energy on campus in 2020 than consumed in 2010 despite projected growth.