Volunteers Needed for Donate Don't Dump May 10-13

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April 14, 2017

Volunteers are needed for the University of Iowa’s annual Donate Don’t Dump event that allows students and their families to donate items to Goodwill or recycle unwanted items while moving out of their residence hall.

Volunteers are needed for several 2 ½- to 3-hour shifts between 10 a.m. Wednesday, May 10through noon Saturday, May 13.  Job duties include pushing donation carts between residence halls and trucks, loading donations onto a truck, and sorting items. Donation trucks will be staged in three locations near Burge, Hillcrest, and Mayflower residence halls.  

Water and snacks will be provided. Individuals and groups are welcome to help.  Sign up to volunteer today!

For more information see the Donate Don’t Dump website or contact Beth MacKenzie elizabeth-k-mackenzie@uiowa.edu.