College of Liberal Arts & Sciences
Winter Warrior Challenge

Biking to work or class during the winter months may seem like a chilly challenge, but it actually isn't that hard, and turns out to be pretty fun! Join the Winter Warrior Challenge and bike to work or class as many times a week as you can from December 1-20, as long as you feel safe and comfortable. The Winter Warrior Challenge is intended to encourage winter biking as a safe, fun and environmentally-sound way to commute to work or class. Bundle up, winterize your bike, and register today!
Here are the rules:
Ride your bike as much as you can
- Unless it's so cold and icy you feel like you will break your neck
- It's total white-out conditions
- You're so sick you can't do anything but sleep all day and drink hot cocoa
2. Submit your trips each week at the Winter Warrior Challenge site. We will be awarding prizes from local bike shops based on the number of trips and number of miles ridden each week. So whether you bike 1 mile five times a week or 5 miles once a week, you can still win a prize.
3. Follow the UI Office of Sustainability Twitter and use the hashtag #hawkwinterwarrior to participate in photo contests or submit your photos here.
2013 results:
The Winter Warrior Challenge isn't that crazy of an idea. In 2013, nearly 200 UI students, faculty, and staff participated, logging 3,176 trips and 8,249 miles! These participants helped save about 330 gallons of gas, diverted 6,635 pounds of CO2 emissions, and burned a combined 496,640 calories!
By participating in the Winter Bike Challenge, you cut down on pollution and improved your health. Even though the challenge was only for a short time, you can still bike after the challenge ends. We hope that participating will show everyone that it's easy to make an environmental choice and bike through the winter.
Have fun, stay warm,and be safe!