Mission Goals Strategic Plan

Strategic Plan

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Our Mission

To challenge and inspire the greater University of Iowa community in solving the grand environmental challenges of the 21st century through transdisciplinary education, research, and service.

Our Goals

Transform the University's teaching and learning culture so that sustainability competency and literacy becomes a universal learning outcome

Collaborate with campus partners in creating and promoting student opportunities to develop skills as sustainability leaders

Create, advance, and excel in innovative, collaborative, and interdisciplinary sustainability research

Develop, strengthen, and support partnerships and programs that engage underrepresented groups on and off campus

Increase student, faculty, and staff engagement with community sustainability research and education

Engage, assist, and collaborate with colleges and auxiliary units to make campus operations more sustainable

Elevate the profile of sustainability across the University community

Our Strategic Plan

Download our 2022-2024 Strategic Plan

The University of Iowa's Campus Sustainability Goals

In 2019, as the University's 2020 sustainability goals were coming to a close, a task force was established to begin drafting the next set of campus sustainabilty goals.  After two years of campus engagement and feedback, the University now has a new set of sustainability goals.

Reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 50 percent

One hundred percent of undergraduate students will complete a sustainability-focused course before graduating

Become a Zero Waste campus by achieving PLAN Atlas Bronze Zero Waste certification*

Improve water quality in the Iowa River by creating best practices for stormwater management and water conservation

Embed sustainability into every college and auxiliary unit's strategic plan and report on progress annually

*Healthcare facilities will not be included in the zero waste goal, but will meet or exceed top performing healthcare facility diversion rates of at least 40%.

The University's 2020 Campus Sustainability Goals

In her 2008 Earth Day speech, President Mason challenged the University community to integrate sustainability deeply into our learning, discovery, and outreach missions. Similar calls for an increased focus on sustainability in University operations and academic activities were issued by the UI Faculty Senate, the Board of Regents, and Governor Chet Culver.  By 2010, the University of Iowa launched its first set of campus-wide sustainability goals.

Download the goals and final report